Perfectionism Therapy

Is perfectionism holding you back from accomplishing your goals?

  • Do you have unrealistic expectations for yourself or others?

  • Do you find yourself ruminating over interactions hours or even days after they have happened?

  • Do you have a difficult time making decisions because you fear failure?

Perhaps you have been given feedback that you have unusually high standards for yourself. Or maybe a friend or significant other has told you they feel like you have high expectations of them that they can’t seem to meet. 

After being in a social situation you may come home and think about what you said and how people could be thinking about you. This constant replay may be leading to feelings of inadequacy. 

You might find yourself experiencing self-doubt when it comes to making decisions. You don’t want to make the wrong decision because you fear that people will think negatively of you. 

With the help of therapy, you can explore your thought patterns that lead to perfectionism.


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Perfectionism can show up in a variety of ways

Maybe you spend a significant amount of time on a small assignment because you are constantly triple-checking your work or erasing the ideas you have already come up with. Taking such a long time to complete a task that others complete quickly may make you feel like a failure.

Perhaps you have been wanting to try something new but you have held back because you worry you won’t be perfect at it. So instead of trying and taking a risk you sit back and wonder what might happen if you tried it.

You may be feeling angry or resentful in your relationships because you have high standards for others that you may not even realize.

If this sounds like you, don't worry. You are not alone. Talking through these experiences in therapy can help you become more self-aware of your perfectionist behavior.

Perfectionism therapy can help you identify what is making you feel stuck 

If you struggle with perfectionism, the thought of going to therapy might in itself be scary. You may fear that other people will think something is wrong with you. 

I will be here to support your fears every step of the way. 

I will help you unpack the thought patterns that have led to your struggles with perfectionism. Together, we can reframe your goals to be more realistic and celebrate all the small wins along the way. I will also guide you to learn more about how you can practice self-compassion and self-acceptance. 

Perfectionism is not a one-size-fits-all problem. We can work together in counseling to identify exactly how you experience perfectionism on a daily basis. 

What you can expect in counseling sessions 

I will help you identify how thinking patterns such as catastrophizing and negative self-talk might be playing a role in how your perfectionism is causing you distress. Together, we can work to develop cognitive flexibility and reframe some of your unrealistic expectations. 

Once you have a better understanding of your thinking, we can practice setting realistic goals. I will also teach you how to practice mindfulness and acceptance to help build your self-awareness around your perfectionism. 

If you struggle with over-committing yourself in an effort to avoid disappointing others, I can assist you with setting boundaries. Additionally, we can work on developing a routine for self-care that involves prioritizing your needs. 

We will work together in therapy to identify how to embrace your perfectionism. 

My approach to treating perfectionism

In therapy sessions, we will look at your life as a whole and identify where perfectionism is causing distress. For example,

  • If you feel burned out because you have too many commitments you can learn to say no, delegate tasks at home or at work, set clear boundaries and prioritize self-care and relaxation

  • If you struggle with focusing only on the end result I can teach you how to slow down, recognize the value of effort and hard work and break the connection you have made between productivity and self-worth

I will utilize cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) to help you better understand and learn to manage your perfectionism. 

If you have been silently struggling with perfectionism please know you are not alone. The prevalence of individuals who identify with perfectionist behavior is on the rise. With the support of an empathetic therapist, you can learn tools to embrace your imperfect nature and embark on a journey of self-acceptance. 

Still Have Questions About Perfectionism Therapy?

Is talking about my perfectionism going to make it worse?

While addressing your mistakes and perceived flaws will be uncomfortable, it will help you to gain a better understanding of the thinking traps that continue to hold you back from reaching your goals. By exploring where your perfectionism comes from you will learn how to approach it with helpful solutions. This will in turn likely lead to greater satisfaction in your work and relationships.

I am worried what other people will think if I tell them I am in therapy.

Perfectionists often view their struggles as a reflection of their self-worth. The idea of going to therapy can be terrifying because you think it means that something might be wrong with you. In counseling for perfectionism, you can learn how to challenge such thoughts and develop flexibility in your thinking around what it means to attend therapy.

What if therapy for perfectionism doesn't work for me?

Like many perfectionists, you could be thinking that you might fail at therapy. Making the commitment to attend therapy is taking a risk which is not something you like to do. Rest assured if you come to my office with a willingness to grow and learn you will walk away with tools that will help you manage your perfectionism.

It’s okay to talk about your perfectionism

If you are feeling trapped by the weight of perfectionism, therapy can help! Contact me to set up a free consultation to learn more about how counseling can help. 

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