Young Adult Therapy

Is The Thought Of Launching Into Adulthood Daunting?

  • Do you feel pressure to figure out what you want to do with the rest of your life?

  • Are you overwhelmed at all the steps you need to take to navigate the academic world?

  • Are you starting to feel buried in financial stress with the rising costs of living, college tuition and housing?

Being a young adult in the world we live in is not an easy road to navigate. You might be feeling paralyzed with anxiety by the pressure of trying to figure everything out at once. 

Maybe the thought of becoming an adult and taking on more responsibility is leading to increased stress. Or maybe you are feeling depressed watching your peers take the “traditional path” of going off to college while you haven’t quite figured out what you want to do. 

Have any questions? Send us a message!

Young adults are facing increased pressure

If you have noticed a significant increase in your screen time, you are not the only one. Excessive time spent looking at other people’s lives could be leading to feelings of isolation and inadequacy. Perhaps the excessive scrolling is leading to comparison thoughts about what you “should” be doing.  

Maybe you are getting questions from your parents or other family members about what you want to do for school or a career. You may feel mounting pressure to make money, move out, pursue education and have a plan for your next step. 

It’s no surprise that with so much uncertainty anxiety, depression and addiction issues are on the rise among young adults. 

No matter what challenges you are facing as a young adult, counseling can help. 

Young adulthood comes with unique challenges

The young adult years are often when emotional struggles become increasingly difficult to manage. In addition to depression, anxiety or stress there are other issues that might be coming up for you including:

  • Executive functioning struggles

  • Disordered eating

  • Addiction

  • Identity exploration

  • Difficulty with self-care

If you are feeling overwhelmed at the thought of entering adulthood while navigating some of these struggles please know you are not alone. The number of young adults seeking therapy for guidance and support is on the rise. Together, we can figure out your unique challenges and address them in counseling. 

What To Expect In Young Adult Therapy 

When there is so much to figure out at once it can be hard to figure out where to start. I can help you identify the barriers that are holding you back and we can set small but realistic goals to work toward. 

Maybe you are struggling to organize everything in your life due to struggles with planning and time management. We can work together to get you into a routine that works for you and that includes a plan for self-care. It can be difficult to work through anxiety without adequate sleep, food and exercise. 

In therapy we can also explore any emotional challenges you might be facing. Maybe you are struggling in your relationships or perhaps you would like a safe space to explore your identity and values. 

No matter what you are struggling with, attending therapy as a young adult has many benefits including:

  • Having a safe place to express your feelings

  • Skill development (emotional and practical)

  • Self-exploration

  • Improving relationships

  • Career guidance

  • Life transitions

Personalized treatment approach 

First and foremost, my goal will be to build a relationship with you in which you feel heard, safe and validated. 

I will guide you through a process that involves helping you learn to understand yourself better so that you can better recognize your behavior patterns. I will help you explore your passions and identify the strengths you have within that are already helping you succeed. I will also help you identify areas where you are getting stuck. 

We will discuss your thought patterns, coping skills and figure out what motivates you to accomplish your goals. 

Still Have Questions About Young Adult Therapy?

What if therapy doesn’t help me?

It is perfectly normal to feel skeptical about how therapy will help you. I am confident that if you come to counseling with an open mind and a willingness to participate that it can benefit you. We can always adjust and make changes along the way if something doesn't work. I am open to feedback!

I don’t have time to attend therapy.

Attending therapy is both a time and financial investment. You are busy and I get that! We can be flexible with how to make it work given your busy schedule. Maybe Telehealth sessions are a good fit for you to reduce time commuting. Or perhaps every other week is an ideal option if committing to weekly sessions feels overwhelming.

You Can Learn To Approach Adulthood With Confidence And Hope

If you are a young adult struggling with figuring out what to do next, I can help you gain the tools to set goals, make decisions with confidence and manage all of the emotional ups and downs along the way. If you have questions or would like to connect with me before committing to a session please feel free to schedule a consultation call.  

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