What Does it Mean to Set Boundaries?
Trauma Therapy Danielle Powers Trauma Therapy Danielle Powers

What Does it Mean to Set Boundaries?

Setting boundaries is the practice of defining and communicating your limits to others in order to protect your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. It involves understanding your own needs, values, and limits, and then ensuring that you express these limits clearly to those around you.

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6 Common Behaviors that are Trauma Responses
Trauma Therapy Danielle Powers Trauma Therapy Danielle Powers

6 Common Behaviors that are Trauma Responses

A trauma response refers to the psychological, emotional, and behavioral reactions a person experiences after going through a traumatic event. Trauma responses are how the body and mind react to overwhelming stress or experiences that challenge a person's sense of safety, control, or well-being.

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Using Lifespan Integration to Treat Trauma
Trauma Therapy Danielle Powers Trauma Therapy Danielle Powers

Using Lifespan Integration to Treat Trauma

Lifespan Integration is a therapeutic approach that aims to help individuals understand and integrate past experiences into their present selves. In trauma therapy, this method is particularly effective because it allows clients to reframe and resolve traumatic memories in the context of their entire life narrative.

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7 Ways Trauma Impacts the Body
Trauma Therapy Danielle Powers Trauma Therapy Danielle Powers

7 Ways Trauma Impacts the Body

Overall, trauma's impact on the body is complex and multifaceted, affecting various physiological systems and contributing to both short-term and long-term health consequences. Effective trauma-informed care involves recognizing these bodily impacts and addressing them through comprehensive support and treatment strategies.

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